Welcome to IllumiNations Cultural Training!

Welcome to IllumiNations Cultural Training!

We provide Cultural Intelligence tools and perspectives for multicultural Australia. With a decade of developing cultural competencies on three continents, we bring the latest global findings to work for you locally.

We equip participants to communicate and connect better across cultures, and contribute to a thriving multicultural society. We look forward to shining light on cultural diversity and equipping you to do the same in your organisation and community.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Why do I have to do cultural training?

"Why do we have to talk about culture? Why can't we just see each person for who they are instead?"

That was the opening line of one of my participants in my latest group training. It is a valid question.

The short answer is: so that you can see each person for who they are even better.

Culture is part of who people are. It is not the only part. We all have personalities, and we are all human beings. I would argue that there is more that unites us than that sets us apart. And yet, culture has a significant influence on us. It may even cause us to misinterpret the other person, in spite of our best efforts to see everyone for who they are.

The same woman, after training, said "I get it!
I have been treating people who are from hierarchical, group oriented culture as insecure. I thought their lack of initiative and inability to be direct was a sign of personal weakness; now I see that it is possibly a sign of respect and a way to maintain harmony.
Now I just wonder what they make of my direct, confrontational style..."

She had come a long way - from saying "What culture? I don't care about culture!" to saying "How can I act for a better outcome?". She gained clear CultureVision, and is ready to spring into CultureAction.

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